Tuition, Room & Board, Fees

  • $40,560 per year / $1,460 per credit

    Sterling College understands that its tuition is a hefty sum, yet offers various financial aid and scholarship opportunities to help lower costs. The result? Sterling graduates have significantly less loan debt than the national average— more than 40%! This dedication has paid off: students' repayment rates are consistently high at nearly 96%.

  • $10,950 per year

    Room and Board covers the housing and food costs over the semester. There are no swipe cards or meal limits in the dining hall. Students access the award-winning Sterling Dining Hall for three meals on weekdays, and brunch on weekends, and dorms are stocked with staples, snacks, and homemade ready-to-go meals on the weekends. From our farm to our table.

  • $200 per year

    All Student Activities Fees are pooled for students to democratically decide on the fun they want to have. Trips to Burlington, ordering wood for campfires, or bringing in speakers or salsa instructors — the choice is yours!

  • $2,025 per year

    Health insurance coverage is required for all students. All students will automatically be enrolled in Sterling College’s health insurance if they do not waive the insurance. Yearly enrollment in the Sterling College health insurance policy is approximately $2,025. Students wishing to waive this coverage must provide proof of other health insurance coverage to the Business Office.

  • $0-$1,200 per year

    On average, students spend less than $100 on books per semester. Each student is responsible for purchasing textbooks, program supplies, and personal items. Some courses involving individual projects may require purchase of additional supplies. We have a thoroughly stocked reserve shelf in the Brown Library, and we find thatbecause our class sizes are so small, many students are able to save costs on textbooks by sharing.

  • $2,080 per year

    Students living off campus and commuting to class will be charged a commuter fee of $2,080 annually.